Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff, Retired Chaplain, U.S. Navy, Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 09/01/2017
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God, author of liberty, we pray, reflect, meditate in different ways, but sing “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” for unalienable rights, our Nation’s backbone, come from You. | |
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness–– pursuing justice too–– doors opened; walls and ceilings shattered; freedom shining through. | |
Today, in 1939, Hitler invades Poland. War spreads: liberty, life denied beyond a chosen few. | |
Humanity itself rejected with the Nazi stamp: “life–– unworthy of life.” | |
We fought, died for freedom’s cause. | |
Lincoln taught: remember those who fought, gave their all, by continuing their unfinished work with increased devotion to their cause. Then they don’t die in vain. | |
Neo–Nazis, racists, bigots, would quench the flame of freedom’s holy light. | |
We pray for, rescue Harvey’s victims, but hatred’s storm clouds gather, threaten all. | |
Help us reaffirm our vision–– brighter, more inclusive than before: every human life created equal, holy, none less human than our own. | |
And may we say, amen. |
115th Congress, 1st Session. Congressional Record, Issue: Vol. 163, No. 141 — Daily Edition (September 1, 2017)

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 1 September 2017” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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